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Fecal Matter Response- WSM 2023
Fecal Matter is the most common way to spread Recreational Water Illness
Here are the steps to follow if this happens at your facility.
Formed Fecal Matter
- Close the facility that is on the filtration system where the fecal incident occurred.
- Remove as much fecal matter as possible. Use a net or bucket.
- Raise the free chlorine concentration to 2ppm chlorine.
- Maintain 2ppm chlorine and 7.5pH for 30 mins.
- Confirm that the filtration system is working properly and turnover is being met.
- After 30mins open pool
Diarrhea- Liquid Fecal Matter
- Close the facility that is on the filtration system where the fecal incident occurred.
- Remove as much fecal matter as possible- vacuuming is not recommended.
- Raise the free chlorine concentration to the following:
- 20ppm for 28 hours or
- 30ppm for 18 hours or
- 40ppm for 8.5 hours
- Confirm that the filtration system is working properly and turnover is being met.
- Backwash filter
- Open the pool once chlorine levels have reached the normal range.
*Always use personal protective equipment when dealing with Fecal incidents.
*Clean any equipment that comes in contact with Fecal Matter with proper disinfection- Nets, handrails, buckets, etc..
*Spa/Hot tubs/Kiddie pools are small bodies of water, it might be more effective to drain, clean and refill.
*If you have multiple pools on the same filtration system, all pools need to be treated and closed.
For more information: www.cdc.gov/healthyswimming
***Guidance based on publicly listed industry standards and recommendations. VivoAquatics recommends you refer to local, regional, and federal guidelines to check your specific requirements and standards.
Download Fecal Matter Response Information HERE