We do not allow glass on pool decks. However, despite our best efforts, glass on pool decks occur on a regular basis. This leads to broken glass on pool decks and in pools. Here is what steps to take when glass eds up in the pool.
Small Bodies of Water: Spa, Kiddie Pool, Wader, etc..
- Close down pool
- Shut off Filter
- Drain pool completely empty
- Use shop vac to vacuum bottom of pool to make sure no glass remains
- Refill pool
- Balance Pool with proper chemicals
- Open pool
Larger Bodies of Water: Pools, Wave Pools, lazy rivers, etc..
- Close down pool
- Shut off the filter for at least 2 hours so all glass pieces can settle to the bottom of the pool.
- If you have glass floating around the pool, use a large net to remove the glass. Make sure to do this from outside the pool.
- Vacuum the entire pool slowly- use large in and out movements the entire length of the pool.
- Clean vacuum bag/basket check for glass
- Clean pump basket at filter pump and check for glass
- Repeat Steps 4-6 until there is no glass in the vacuum basket or pump basket for at least 2 consecutive times
- Turn filter back on
- Balance pool with proper chemicals
- Open pool
*Always handle glass with proper care.
*Draining the pool is always the safest way to remove glass.
*Keeping glass off the pool deck is the best way to keep glass from getting into the pool.
*Err on the side of caution. If you think glass could be in the pool, treat the pool as if glass is in the pool.