EMEC Edge 100 Controller

Setpoints For EMEC Edge 100

Information and tips on setpoints for EMEC edge 100

  • Setpoints will be different for every body of water. *It takes time to get setpoints correct
  • Setpoints can be found in the main menu list after password is entered.  
  • Setpoints can vary and need to be changed based on season, probe lifespan, chemical readings.

2 different Setpoint options: 

Pulse- To be used with a pulse pump (we rarely see this used) 

Relay- To be used with all other pumps- Stenners, pulsar, Peristaltic, LMI, etc.. Any pumps that need to turn on at a set point and send a relay to turn on power to the chemical pump. 

ORP (Chlorine)& pH  Setpoint Options:

  1. On/off Mode- turns on at setpoint number- turns off at setpoint number. 



  1. Proportional PWM Mode- Controls how long the chemical pump is ON proportional to the distance between 0% setpoint and the higher percentage setpoint. As probe value reaches area between the two points entered the percentage automatically tapers down (Ex: 7.5 - 0%, 7.6 100%, at probe reading 7.55 feed percentage is 50%).   *It is very normal for the chemical pump to not pump while in proportional setting. It will run for a length of time and stop for a length of time (the %).



  1. Fixed PWM Mode- controls how much the chemical pumps to get to the setpoint and how fast it is pumped into the pool. This mode lets you tell the controller how long to pump chemicals into the pool and how long to stop pumping chemicals into the pool before it starts pumping again. *It is very normal for the chemical pump to stop pumping while in fixed setting. It will run for a length of time and stop for a length of time you set. Ton:40 seconds WORK Toff: 10 seconds PAUSE




*these numbers are examples

How to find your Setpoint?! 

Every body of water is going to have different set points. We have no magic number to set your body of water to. 

Here are a few tips and Tricks:

  • The bottom number is the number you want the chemical pump to turn on and the top number is the number you want the chemical pump to turn off. 
    • For Chlorine (mv) the bottom number is going to be lower than the top number. *Santizer brings chlorine up. 
    • For pH the bottom number is going to be higher than the top number. *acid brings pH down. 
  • Use ON/OFF for bigger bodies of water. If used for smaller bodies of water, they are more likely to overfeed. 
  • Use Proportional/Fixed for smaller bodies of water. Normally we use Proportional more than Fixed.
  • Proportional mode percentage is the percentage you want the chemical pump to run as it gets closer to setpoint. Example 60%- the chemical pump will start to taper off pumping chemicals run 60% of the time and off for 40% of the time and decrease until setpoint is reached. 
  • Fixed mode you tell the controller how long to run in seconds (Ton) and how long to stop in seconds (Toff) until setpoint is reached. Example 80 (Ton) 40 (Toff) chemical pump will run for 80 seconds and off for 40 seconds until setpoint is reached. 

Helpful  for Chlorine (mv) Set Point- Every pool is Different 

  • Using Proportional the pool is less likely to overshoot, however might not keep up with demand on bigger bodies of water. 
  • When using proportional your feeder will cycle pumping chemicals and pausing and pumping chemicals. 
  • Do not mix up the percentages and put the number at the top
  •  Suggestion- keep your set points 10-15 point difference. IF points are too far apart the feed will  behave sluggishly and cause low chlorine issues. If too close, special feed modes such as Proportional feed will not have time to work correctly. 

Helpful for pH Set Point- Every pool is Different

  • Using Proportional the pool is less likely to overshoot, however might not keep up with demand on bigger bodies of water. 
  • When using proportional your Stenner wil cycle pumping chemicals and pausing and pumping chemicals.
  • Do not mix up the percentages and put the number at the top 
  •  Suggestion- keep your set points .2-.25 point difference when using proportional feed modes. Do not exceed 0.25 in difference unless otherwise directed.  
  • Unlike chlorine, you should rarely have to adjust your set points once set.

Setpoint Recommendations & Troubleshooting


Setpoint Recommendation


Low Chlorine

Not to exceed 860 ORP

Use on/off mode

Raise % if using Proportional mode

Adjust time if using Fixed mode

Raise ORP setpoint 

Bring pH to setpoint

Clear alarms

Bring pH setpoint number further apart

High Chlorine

(Overshooting Chlorine)

Not less than 600 ORP

Use Proportional mode 

Use Fixed mode

Lower % if using Proportional mode

Adjust time if using Fixed mode

Low ORP Setpoint

Bring pH to setpoint

Bring ORP setpoint closer together  

Low pH

(Overshooting pH)

Not to exceed 7.8ppm

Use Proportional mode 

Use Fixed mode

Lower % if using Proportional mode

Adjust time if using Fixed mode

Raise pH setpoint

Bring pH setpoint numbers closer together 

Hi pH

Not Less than 7.2ppm

Use on/off mode

Raise % if using Proportional mode

Adjust time if using Fixed mode

Lower pH setpoint

Bring pH setpoint numbers further apart